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We continue to care for YOU
We are thrilled to go back to work and be part of the BC Restart Plan to continue to provide our patients with services during the COVID-19 pandemic. With everyone’s health and safety in mind, we have implemented a pandemic preparedness protocol and continue to monitor COVID-19 developments as they arise.
COVID-19 Protocols
COVID-19 Patient screening will take place on the phone or in-person at the clinic door prior to your scheduled appointment. A ‘consent to treatment’ must be filled out prior to your session. Staff will also be taking the self-screening prior to coming to the clinic.
We ask patients to not bring family members or other individuals with them into the clinic unless the patient is under the age of 16 and needs to be accompanied by a guardian or the patient requires assistance.
Patients are required to hand sanitize before entry to the clinic and encouraged to wash and/or disinfect during their therapy sessions.
Patients are required to wear a mask in the clinic (we will provide one if you forget yours).
The reception desk and waiting area will be marked with social distancing signage, staff and patients are expected to maintain this social distancing.
You will be directed by a staff member upon arrival to the clinic and your therapist will escort you to their treatment room.
Areas patients come in contact with, will be consistently and thoroughly sanitized by clinic staff.
Appointments will be staggered to minimize patient interaction between other patients and to accommodate the extra disinfecting required between patients.
Stay Safe & Healthy
Consult the following sources to help you stay informed and take the necessary precautions to remain healthy.
Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health offers accurate, up-to-date information and tools about COVID-19 such as a self-assessment survey, information on how to recognize possible symptoms and how to protect yo​urself, what to do if you’re sick after you travel, and a list of important phone numbers for your local Public Health agency
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